

North Idaho Housing Market 2023

While no one has the ability to predict what 2023 will bring to our North Idaho housing market with absolute certainty, sometimes …

2022 Real Estate Goals

Welcome 2022! In order to accurately set real estate goals for the coming year, it’s helpful to study prior market trends. Here …

Zestimate in Idaho

If you are thinking about selling property in Idaho, I plead with you: please, PLEASE do not use the Zestimate tool as …

North Idaho Living Winter

Are you anything like me? I love winter…until after Christmas. Then it’s just cold. I love the first few snowfalls…until the ground …

liveplayrepeat blog post

The Almighty Escalation Clause

The escalation clause. In a hot seller’s real estate market, such as North Idaho, where inventory of homes is low and the …

Real estate blog

So you want to purchase raw land in North Idaho, but you’re not up for complete off-grid living? If your parcel has …

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